Greetings folks,

     I hope you are all finding success in this chilly spring semester. I know I enjoyed my time off over break. I made sure to hit the slopes at least half a dozen times or so. There are a number of exciting things to look forward to this semester. 

     One of them is print issues of the U Times newspaper! Starting next month, U Times will be restarting print issues after nearly two years. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and everything shifted to remote learning, the U Times’ print production halted. All of us at the U Times could not be happier for this exciting revival. Keep an eye out for our issues. We will distribute them in the usual locations around campus. 

     If you are interested in joining us for this exciting revival process, the U Times is always accepting new members. We meet in Folsom 101A every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Dr. J at or me at Either of us would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

Abi Davis, editor.

     Well, I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Or even a “Gal-entine’s” or “Pal-entine’s.” However you celebrate, whether by showing yourself or someone special to you love, I hope it was nice. I was lucky enough to receive flowers, an edible arrangement and jewelry. I’m not going to lie, the edible arrangement was a hit. All the chocolate covered strawberries were gone by dinner.      


Until next time,

     Abi Davis