Dear readers,

    It appears the time has come for me to retire for the summer, as this is our last issue of the 2020-2021 school year. What an extraordinary adventure this past academic year has been. To think that this time last year we were at the start of the COVID pandemic to now having access to vaccinations is wild. It has certainly been a ride. Hopefully, we can begin to come back together in our studies and everyday life in the fall semester. 

     I would like to congratulate every person in UMPI’s 2021 graduating class and give special recognition to the U Times’ very own Melanee Terry. Melanee has been a staff writer for the U Times since her first semester at UMPI. From one journalist to another, I hope your snowy owl wings help you find the career of your dreams! I have no doubts that all the 2021 graduates will do amazing things.  

     As for the summer, I hope everyone has a good one. May the sun be hot and the days feel long. I surely know that I need a break. 

     Till this fall, yours truly,

Pictured: Abi Davis, UTimes editor.

     Abi Davis