Greetings folks,

     I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s Day, or day after Valentine’s Day (cashing in on all the discounted chocolate). Life has been quiet here in southern Maine, as I’ve been taking this semester remotely from home. I never thought I’d miss poutine more than I do right now. 

     Did anyone else hear that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow in Groundhog Day? That allegedly means that we’re going to have an additional six weeks of winter. What do you think? I hope that the weather starts to warm up. I’ve been going through a lot of wood trying to keep the house warm these past couple weeks. In fact, I had to get four more pallets of wood! Hopefully I won’t go through all of it. Fingers crossed we start to see signs of spring here soon. 

     With all that is still going on in the world today, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. I know a lot of people just want some normalcy back, and I feel that way, too. It’s felt like a long winter and I think a little warmth would do us all some good. Here’s hoping for warmer and sunnier days.

Pictured: Abi Davis, UTimes editor.

     Until next time, 

     Abi Davis