Hailey Boyle in the Middle with Violet Washburn, Bethnay MacPherson and Roni Shaw from the SAO office.

What is your definition of comedy? If you find this question difficult to answer, then you should have been at the Hailey Boyle show this past Nov. 15. Hailey made her second appearance at UMPI, and just as with her first visit, through her spicy humor and temperament, she was able once more to make UMPI laugh. Hailey’s comedy is very particular and through her jokes about the sexes, her personal life and other topics about everyday life problems, she was able to captivate the audience’s love and attention. Originally from Fairbanks, Alaska, she has a great comedy record, with her most recent distinction being named one of New York’s top 10 funniest comics at The New York Comedy Festival.

Nearly falling off his chair laughing was Max Bushman, with one his friends Dacian Roberts. Still laughing broadly after the show, Max said that he liked all the jokes and appreciated Hailey’s humor. “I really enjoyed the show,” Max said. “Her jokes would normally sound insulting, but I knew that she was joking, so I enjoyed it very much.”

Hailey is known for her straightforward humor and her communication with the audience. At the show there wasn’t a single moment where somebody didn’t laugh.

“I found Hailey very involved with the crowd, while the crowd played along with some of her jokes,” Dacian said. “It was a different style of comedy.  It was kind of unorganized and not routine comedy, which is, like I said, a new style of comedy.”

The student activities office, with its incredible work, hasn’t stop to surprise us with all the great guests and entertainment that it provides, and we hope that Hailey will make her third appearance in our campus in the future.