UMPI’s up-and-coming film club, the “Cinemaniacs,” is currently working on its second film, called “Cancelled.” Last year, the club created the short film “The Ninth Reward,” a psychological film that its members presented on University Day

“Young college student Erin is currently in the midst of having a reality TV show filmed about his life as a student. When the film crew and members of the cast are kidnapped and thrown into a room together, there seems to be no escape. With one of them dead, nobody can be trusted. It’s a matter of life and death, especially since one of them might be a killer,” Tiffany Smith, founder and president of the Cinemaniacs, explained.

The process of creating a film takes a long time. “By the time we finish filming this semester, we will probably have  spent about 60-70 hours filming. Next semester, it will take the same amount of time or more to edit and market the film.”

Even though the club is only in its second year, it is flourishing. There are 17 club members, six of whom are the cast and two are the crew.

Smith is what keeps this club going. “I’m the president and founder of the Cinemaniacs Filmmaking Club. I wrote the script over the summer for our most current short film in the works. In addition to writing the screenplay and managing the club, I’m also the main camera operator, producer, co-director and editor for the film.”

The goal for “Cancelled” is the same as it was for “The Ninth Reward”: to have it ready to be shown by University Day.

Even though it’s several months out, anticipation is already building.  Abi Davis, UMPI sophomore, is excited to support her peers.  “I look forward to seeing all their hard work in action,” she said.  “It sounds like a really entertaining mystery.”

Julio Garcia, Storm Eirman and Sarah Harris creating a scene in the short film “Cancelled”