Titan Challenge Working Process

On Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019, the University of Maine at Presque Isle was honored to hold the J.A. Titan Challenge. That is a daylong business strategy simulation competition for high school students.

During the day-long event, UMPI had about 80 high school students join in simulated business sectors, which roughly broke into 25 groups. Each group had three or four high school students with one mentor who was an UMPI business student or professor. All high schools from throughout Maine could participate. Separately and simultaneously, students could feel the cultural atmosphere on the UMPI campus.  They also had the opportunity to learn more about college life, enjoying campus tours and lunch in Kelley Commons.

In sessions, students decided everything for their virtual company, from product price, production, marketing, research and development, selling and charitable giving. Their choices will finally determine their net income and retained earing, etc.  Their choices will lead to success or failure for their virtual company. They also participated in preparing simulations and then four rounds of competition, teleconferencing live with their business-focused peers across the state.

Nancy Tian, one of the UMPI business students, said, “I think the Titan challenge is pretty good. It is a good opportunity for all participants to have a new experience, especially high school students could experience how to have fun with business!”

Stacey Emery, one of the business professors, said, “ Another successful year of the J.A. Titan Challenge held at the University of Maine at Presque Isle! Many thanks to our very own UMPI business students Madison M. Shaw, Jessica M Cameron, Abbi Theriault, Elizabeth Butterfield and Adam Frey for being University mentors at the event! And a big shout out of thanks to Mark Wilcox! This event wouldn’t be possible without his endless effort and dedication to the program.  Thanks, Mark, for all you do for our area high school students!”