
Have visited my old neighbors, and that means another visit to the cemetery.  Poles LOVE cemeteries, and they are pretty sites to visit, since there are flowers everywhere.  No grave – except the German – goes unadorned.  I think these cemeteries tie the Poles to their personal and collective histories.  The first two pictures here show Polish graves from the Battle of Szczecin, along with the monument that celebrates the liberation (well, sort of, this was then a German city being taken over by the Russians and Poles; note the date (April 26th) – this battle was being fought concurrently with the Battle of Berlin.  A great many people dies so that Hitler could have a few more days of life.

The third pictures is a monument dedicated to the Poles who died in concentration camps – gulags – in Russia.  This picture is of part of that monument, off to the right is a long, long list of such camps.