Cemetery photos


What follows are a few final photos from my last week in Szczecin and arrival in northern Maine.  The last week was very busy with me trying to finish projects, get everything leaned and sorted and, it seems, a going away party every evening (from neighbors, colleagues, office, Rotary).  My neighbors took me out and on the way we had to visit the cemetery.  This is, again, the second largest in Europe and something that Szczecin is very proud of.  I include two more pictures here.  The first is of some German graves that have been preserved.  The second picture is a couple of Polish graves from the late 1940s.  What is interesting here is that the flowers and candles are in evidence here as everywhere else.  The Poles take their cemeteries very seriously.

Szczecin architecture

Another street corner with the beautiful old German architecture.  I have said many times that Szczecin should better market their city to tourists.  There is no old rynek square as in Poznań, Torun or Gdansk, but there is still much beauty to be seen.  The second picture shows the same corner building with one of the old water pumps in the foreground; there seem to be one of these pumps every block or so (I would guess they also served as fire hydrants).


This is the edge of what I am told is the second largest cemetery in Europe.  This goes on and on.  This picture was taken during Easter weekend, but even away from the holidays the number of flowers – many of these are fresh flowers – and candles that decorate the graves is amazing, at least by our standards.  Family is very important to Poles, who have an almost Japanese respect for ancestors.  Note that many of the grave sites have benches for visitors.

Bullet Holes

This is a building not far from where I work.  Those surely are bullet holes.  These are now fairly hard to find, as most of the buildings have been refurbished, but damage from the war was still pretty common until recent years.  This building is near a pretty major intersection and fighting there must have been furious.  The Germans were defending one of their home cities, and not far from Berlin.  There are few older buildings in this immediate area, with a modern shopping mall now on the opposite corner.